Parish News
Use of the Canned Chicken
Just wanted to send over to you a thank you for consistently bring canned chicken to Project SHARE, from your church! So far this year, I have used canned chicken in a few different cooking classes. At the beginning of December, the kids made Chicken & Bean Enchiladas (first two pictures) and in October, during a virtual cooking class, we made Jack O Lantern Quesadilla. Canned chicken is such an easy but healthy addition to meals, and I love using it for cooking classes!
Thank you!
Emma Witwer, RD, LDN
Nutrition Coordinator
Project SHARE of Carlisle
Gifts to the MANGER
What better way to honor the baby Jesus than to have your family place a gift in the manger for CAFLC families in need.
Critically Needed Items:
Baby Formula: Similac Advance (blue can, powdered)
Diapers: sizes 4-7
Monetary donations by check, made out to Saint Patrick Church with “Gifts to the Manger” in the memo, can be placed in the basket at the manger, offertory basket or sent to the Parish Office. You may also donate online on the parish website under “Online Giving”.
Thank you for your prayers and generosity.
March for Life
Knights of Columbus Council 4057 is sponsoring a bus for the March for Life on Friday January 20, 2023. Departure will be from Saint Patrick Parish Activity Center on Marsh Drive in Carlisle at 5:30 AM in order to arrive in Washington DC to attend mass at the Cathedral of Saint Matthew the Apostle. The cost for a seat on the bus is $40 in advance and is nonrefundable. Checks should made out to Knights of Columbus Council 4057. Information about the 2023 March for Life can be found at or the MFL 2023 phone app. For more information about the bus, please email Steve Phillips at Please include name, # attending, and phone with your payment in an envelope in the weekly collection.
Adoration Chapel Weather CLosing12/15
Due to the predicted weather, the Adoration Chapel will be closing at 12:01AM Thursday morning, December 15. The Chapel will reopen at noon on Friday, December 16. Please remember to check the hotline for closings. (717) 243-4875.
Last Mass before Christmas Break!
On Sunday, December 11th, Father Kashif celebrated the last Mass before Christmas break for the students at Dickinson College! See you all back in 2023! Have a blessed Christmas!
Lessons and Carols
Featuring the Parish Choir, Children’s Choirs, Handbell Choir, and Parish Orchestra.
The story of the prophecy and birth of Christ is told through nine biblical readings, interspersed with the singing of Christmas carols, and special musical offerings.
Gifts to the MANGER
What better way to honor the baby Jesus than to have your family place a gift in the manger for CAFLC families in need.
Critically Needed Items:
Baby Formula: Similac Advance (blue can, powdered)
Diapers: sizes 4-7
Monetary donations by check, made out to Saint Patrick Church with “Gifts to the Manger” in the memo, can be placed in the basket at the manger, offertory basket or sent to the Parish Office. You may also donate online on the parish website under “Online Giving”.
Thank you for your prayers and generosity.
Cookies for the Prison
Cookies for the Prison
The Carlisle Area Religious Council will sponsor a Cookie Pack to benefit the inmates at the Cumberland County Prison. We hope to gift one dozen cookies. homemade preferably but store bought are accepted, to each inmate, with a goal of 375 dozen. Cookies can be dropped off at the parish office on Monday, December 19th or at Project SHARE at 5 N. Orange Street, on December 19th from 8:00 AM to 4 PM. Call Tricia Cherchuck at 717-514-5526 with any questions.
Watch the news clip: Cumberland County Catholic school is fundraising for new ‘STEAM’ wing
Cumberland County Catholic school is fundraising for new ‘STEAM’ wing.
March for Life
Knights of Columbus Council 4057 is sponsoring a bus for the March for Life on Friday January 20, 2023. Departure will be from Saint Patrick Parish Activity Center on Marsh Drive in Carlisle at 5:30 AM in order to arrive in Washington DC to attend mass at the Cathedral of Saint Matthew the Apostle. The cost for a seat on the bus is $40 in advance and is nonrefundable. Checks should made out to Knights of Columbus Council 4057. Information about the 2023 March for Life can be found at or the MFL 2023 phone app. For more information about the bus, please email Steve Phillips at Please include name, # attending, and phone with your payment in an envelope in the weekly collection.
Saint Vincent de Paul Christmas Programs
Saint Vincent de Paul is offering 2 opportunities to spread joy this Holiday Season.
If you would like to purchase a toy for a child, please donate new, unwrapped toys in the Toys for Tots collection bins in the narthex of either church the weekend of December 3/4 or December 10/11. Special request for crayons, coloring books, baby toys 0-24 months and any kind of ball.
If you would like to support our Christmas Blessings Program, we ask that you prayerfully consider making a financial donation. Donations will be used to purchase gift cards for toys and a Christmas dinner for our Saint Patrick Parish families and
local nonprofits. Financial contributions by check, made out to Saint Vincent de Paul Society, with “Christmas Blessing” in the memo, can be placed in the collection basket, mailed or dropped off at the Parish Office. You may also donate online on the parish website under “Online Giving” (SVdP Christmas Blessing Program). Thank you for your generosity.
Lessons and Carols
Featuring the Parish Choir, Children’s Choirs, Handbell Choir, and Parish Orchestra.
The story of the prophecy and birth of Christ is told through nine biblical readings, interspersed with the singing of Christmas carols, and special musical offerings.
Saint Vincent de Paul Christmas Programs
Saint Vincent de Paul is offering 2 opportunities to spread joy this Holiday Season.
If you would like to purchase a toy for a child, please donate new, unwrapped toys in the Toys for Tots collection bins in the narthex of either church the weekend of December 3/4 or December 10/11. Special request for crayons, coloring books, baby toys 0-24 months and any kind of ball.
If you would like to support our Christmas Blessings Program, we ask that you prayerfully consider making a financial donation. Donations will be used to purchase gift cards for toys and a Christmas dinner for our Saint Patrick Parish families and
local nonprofits. Financial contributions by check, made out to Saint Vincent de Paul Society, with “Christmas Blessing” in the memo, can be placed in the collection basket, mailed or dropped off at the Parish Office. You may also donate online on the parish website under “Online Giving” (SVdP Christmas Blessing Program). Thank you for your generosity.
Gifts to the MANGER
What better way to honor the baby Jesus than to have your family place a gift in the manger for CAFLC families in need.
Critically Needed Items:
Baby Formula: Similac Advance (blue can, powdered)
Diapers: sizes 4-7
Monetary donations by check, made out to Saint Patrick Church with “Gifts to the Manger” in the memo, can be placed in the basket at the manger, offertory basket or sent to the Parish Office. You may also donate online on the parish website under “Online Giving”.
Thank you for your prayers and generosity.
Lessons and Carols
Featuring the Parish Choir, Children’s Choirs, Handbell Choir, and Parish Orchestra.
The story of the prophecy and birth of Christ is told through nine biblical readings, interspersed with the singing of Christmas carols, and special musical offerings.