Parish News
Giving Tuesday
It's Giving Tuesday and for the first time ever, we are taking part in this global day of charitable giving. Our principal - Antoinette Oliverio and Father Don created a video explaining our Giving Tuesday mission to support our planned STEAM Wing. Won't you help us raise $7,500 today in honor of our 75th anniversary?
Saint Vincent de Paul Christmas Programs
Saint Vincent de Paul is offering 2 opportunities to spread joy this Holiday Season.
If you would like to purchase a toy for a child, please donate new, unwrapped toys in the Toys for Tots collection bins in the narthex of either church the weekend of December 3/4 or December 10/11. Special request for crayons, coloring books, baby toys 0-24 months and any kind of ball.
If you would like to support our Christmas Blessings Program, we ask that you prayerfully consider making a financial donation. Donations will be used to purchase gift cards for toys and a Christmas dinner for our Saint Patrick Parish families and
local nonprofits. Financial contributions by check, made out to Saint Vincent de Paul Society, with “Christmas Blessing” in the memo, can be placed in the collection basket, mailed or dropped off at the Parish Office. You may also donate online on the parish website under “Online Giving” (SVdP Christmas Blessing Program). Thank you for your generosity.
Bakers Needed!
Do you have a favorite cookie recipe that you love to make? A Christmas Cookie that everyone loves that melts in your mouth? Then please consider making 2-3 dozen of your favorites and donating them to the Saint Patrick Cookie Extravaganza on Saturday, December 3. The more cookies, the more successful the event! Contact Elaine Seckar at 717-243-4411 x203 or
Gifts to the MANGER
What better way to honor the baby Jesus than to have your family place a gift in the manger for CAFLC families in need.
Critically Needed Items:
Baby Formula: Similac Advance (blue can, powdered)
Diapers: sizes 4-7
Monetary donations by check, made out to Saint Patrick Church with “Gifts to the Manger” in the memo, can be placed in the basket at the manger, offertory basket or sent to the Parish Office. You may also donate online on the parish website under “Online Giving”.
Thank you for your prayers and generosity.
Bakers Needed!
Do you have a favorite cookie recipe that you love to make? A Christmas Cookie that everyone loves that melts in your mouth? Then please consider making 2-3 dozen of your favorites and donating them to the Saint Patrick Cookie Extravaganza on Saturday, December 3. The more cookies, the more successful the event! Contact Elaine Seckar at 717-243-4411 x203 or
Eucharistic Miracles of the World Display
The Knights of Columbus Council #4057 is sponsoring The Eucharistic Miracles of the World Exhibition as part of the Eucharistic Revival Pillar One: Foster Encounters with Jesus. The exhibition of the Miracle Panels will be on Christ the King weekend in the Warrell Social Hall, on Saturday, November 19, 2022, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and on Sunday, November 20, 2022, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Books detailing the Miracles on display will also be available for a donation of $25.
The devout study of the Eucharistic miracles should inspire us to a deeper awareness and more ardent love of our Lord's real presence, with us, in the Holy Eucharist. The miracles, like all miracles, are gifts from God "to witness to some truth or testify to someone's sanctity."
Trappistine Quality Candy
As we all know from experience, these candies are delicious and make the perfect gift during this holiday season for anyone on your gift list. Orders also support Sister Lily Key’s order, the Trappist Sisters of Mount Saint Mary’s Abbey. To see the complete listing of their available treats, prices and availability, please go to
Bakers Needed!
Do you have a favorite cookie recipe that you love to make? A Christmas Cookie that everyone loves that melts in your mouth? Then please consider making 2-3 dozen of your favorites and donating them to the Saint Patrick Cookie Extravaganza on Saturday, December 3. The more cookies, the more successful the event! Contact Elaine Seckar at 717-243-4411 x203 or
Saint Anthony’s Chapel Pilgrimage
Saint Anthony’s Chapel in Pittsburgh, is home to the largest collection of Christian relics in the world, outside of the Vatican. Over 5,000 relics of the saints have reposed in the chapel for more than 130 years. Three notable relics include a splinter of the True Cross, a thorn from the Crown of Thorns, and a piece of the stone from the Holy Sepulchre.
Monday, December 5, 2022 - $60 per person
($30 non-refundable deposit required to reserve your seat).
Registration and full payment deadline:
Friday, November 18, 2022. Space is limited!
Eucharistic Miracles of the World Display
The Knights of Columbus Council #4057 is sponsoring The Eucharistic Miracles of the World Exhibition as part of the Eucharistic Revival Pillar One: Foster Encounters with Jesus. The exhibition of the Miracle Panels will be on Christ the King weekend in the Warrell Social Hall, on Saturday, November 19, 2022, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and on Sunday, November 20, 2022, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Books detailing the Miracles on display will also be available for a donation of $25.
The devout study of the Eucharistic miracles should inspire us to a deeper awareness and more ardent love of our Lord's real presence, with us, in the Holy Eucharist. The miracles, like all miracles, are gifts from God "to witness to some truth or testify to someone's sanctity."
Mass for Peace and Military Appreciation
Saint Ignatius of Loyola Military Ministry invites all parishioners and guests to attend the Mass for Peace and Military Appreciation.
The Mass will be immediately followed by a reception, light lunch and presentation in the Warrell Social Hall. Army LTC Crystal Carberry, a United States Army War College student in the Class of 2023, will address her experiences in logistics and sustainment with Army and Combined Joint Forces during her three combat tours, as well as ongoing logistics future modernization and posturing while being a mother of one son and the spouse of an Army officer. Please join us to show your support for our Military and pray for Peace. Active duty, Retirees and Veterans are encouraged to wear their uniforms.