Liturgical Ministries


Altar Servers

Youth who are in grades 5 and up and have received first Communion.

Contact: Parish Office - 717-243-4411


Ushers are responsible for the care of the people and the environment of the church during Mass.

Contact: Parish Office - 717-243-4411

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

Extraordinary Ministers are adult members of the parish. Candidates are invited by the parish priests. Diocesan and parish training required.

Contact: Parish Office - 717-243-4411

LectorsReaders of the Word participate in Sunday and/or weekday liturgies. Parish training provided.Contact: Luke Seckar: 724-840-5008


Readers of the Word participate in Sunday and/or weekday liturgies. Parish training provided.

Contact: Luke Seckar: 724-840-5008

Perpetual Adoration Chapel

Open 24/7, the Adoration Chapel welcomes visitors and committed Adorers. Adorers are needed to commit to a weekly hour. Please call the Chapel Hotline for closings in case of inclement weather: (717) 243-4875.

Contact: Doug Henschel 610-207-8654

Saint Eleanor Regina Chapel Located in Pine Grove Furnace State Park, the Chapel serves as a summer mission of Saint Patrick Church. Sunday Mass at 11:30 AM, Memorial Day - Labor Day.

Saint Eleanor Regina Chapel

Located in Pine Grove Furnace State Park, the Chapel serves as a summer mission of Saint Patrick Church. Sunday Mass at 11:30 AM, Memorial Day - Labor Day.