Faith Formation at
Saint Patrick
Our goals are to provide a context where the individual may learn about God and his creative love, to help form a person who is aware of his/her dignity and responsibility as a Catholic Christian, to assist each family in the parish in the religious education of its members, and to provide a basic knowledge of Catholic doctrine and the practices of our Faith.
Registration is open for the 2024-2025 Faith Formation year grades K-8.
deadline to register is August 30, 2024.
Because of the significant number of families that move in and out of the parish area each year it is necessary that every new family register for Faith Formation as soon as possible and each existing family must re-register. Registration is online.
Please consider volunteering for one of many positions in the Religious Education Program including Baptism catechists, Faith Formation catechists and aides, Vacation Bible School and more!
Home Program
The parish offers a home program in religious education that uses the same material and textbooks as the Faith Formation program. The children in the home program are responsible for the same text standards as children in the Faith Formation program. Please contact the religious education office for more information. The fee for this program is the same as the regular Faith Formation program.
Home School
Students who are home schooled in a Catholic Home School program must register with the Religious Education Program so that you will be informed about Sacrament Programs. You may use the programs that you choose but you must participate in the Parish programs for Sacrament Preparation. There is no fee for this.
RCIA for Children/ Teenagers
If your child needs to be baptized, and is 8 or older, please contact the Director of Religious Education at sconrad@saintpatrickchurch.org for information on how to bring your child into the Church.
Family Resources
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Directions: click on the link to be taken to the Formed website. Click “Sign Up,” then select “I belong to a parish or organization.” In the search bar, type “St Patrick Carlisle,” and choose our parish. Enter your name and email address, and you will be ready to browse Formed.