Adult Formation
“The Lord speaks to us in the depths of our conscience, he speaks to us through Sacred Scripture, he speaks to us in prayer.”
— Pope Francis
Parish Adult Faith Formation Classes
There is so much going on at Saint Patrick Church!
See below for information and registration for all our current and upcoming adult faith formation offerings.
If you need help with registration or material purchase, please contact Stephanie Conrad
at sconrad@saintpatrickchurch.org or 717-243-4411, 300.
Mary: The Bible and the Mother of God
Unveiling Scripture and Tradition Series
Mondays, 9:30-11:00 AM – September 16, 23, 30; October 7, 14, 21; November 4, 11
Thursdays, 6:30-8:00 PM – September 19, 26; October 3, 10, 17, 24; November 7, 14
Parish Activity Center Rooms 204/206
Why is Mary so important to Catholics, and why have so many people been devoted to her over the centuries? In this 8-part series, Dr. Brant Pitre examines what the Old and New Testaments, the life of Christ, and the early Church fathers reveal about the life and identity of Mary.
Workbook can be purchased through the Faith Formation Office for $10.
Psalms: The School of prayer
Starting in January 2025
Morning Sessions: Mondays from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m
January 27; February 3/10/17/24; March 3/10/17/24/31; April 7
Evening Sessions: Thursdays from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
January 30; February 6/13/20/27; March 6/13/20/27; April 3/10
Meeting Location: Parish Activity Center Rooms 204/206
At the heart of the Bible are the Psalms, prayers from God that help us to pray. In this study, discover how these sacred hymns become our heartfelt response to God’s loving and wondrous deeds for us.
A workbook is available for purchase through Ascension Press.
Saint Patrick Church offers, as a gift, a subscription to FORMED, a revolutionary online platform that provides access to the best Catholic audio talks, movies, ebooks, and video-based studies. To register, visit formed.org and choose "sign up" then "I belong to a Parish or Organization". Search for "Carlisle, PA" and choose St Patrick, 152 E. Pomfret St. You will be sent an email to confirm your registration. We hope you enjoy your time on Formed!