Mass Announcements 6/23/24


June 23, 2024

  • Next Sunday, June 30th please join us for a family rosary at 8:50am in the Marsh Drive Church as we pray the Luminous Mysteries which focus on Jesus’ public ministry. 

  • Next weekend, the Foreign Mission ministry will be selling water in the narthex after all Masses to benefit the poor of Jamaica. 

  • Donuts after the 9:30 Mass will be hosted by Little Saints.


    ************ This is a reminder to all mass goers that the main sanctuary is a very sacred space.  After mass is over, if you would like to have fellowship with your friends and neighbors, please exit to the lobby, outside or the Warrell Social Hall.  Being reverent in the main sanctuary requires silence in the presence of our Lord.  Thank you for your cooperation.  


MJM7 Concert


Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession, Ministry Fair, and Parish Potluck