Mass Announcements 5/26/24


May 26, 2024

  • Join us Sunday, June 2nd in celebration of Corpus Christi!  A Eucharistic Procession will immediately follow the 9:30 AM mass.  Following the procession, join us in the Parish Activity Center for a Ministry Fair and Parish Potluck.  We will provide a main dish.  If your last name begins with A – N, please consider bringing a side dish to share.  Last names beginning with O – Z, please consider contributing a dessert to share.  We would like to have as many ministries represented as possible and wonderful food to share with one another.  Please contact Elaine Seckar to register your ministry or sign up to contribute a dish.    


  • This Monday, Memorial Day Mass will be celebrated at 9:00am at the Shrine (not 8:30)           


  • There is no high school youth group this weekend. 


Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession, Ministry Fair, and Parish Potluck


Memorial Day Mass