January 26 Day of prayer

Let us join the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Bishops of the United States in praying for peace & justice.

May God’s gift of human dignity and freedom be honored and protected in Ukraine and throughout the world!

What can we do? Pray. Pray for peace and justice in Ukraine. God is the Lord of history and the Lover of Humankind. His grace changes the most hardened hearts. Ukraine was brutally invaded, its territory annexed, the society traumatized. May God convert the promoters of violence. May God protect Ukraine and its people from further harm.

Be informed. Know the facts and fight falsehood in a post-truth public debate being warped by Russian disinformation. Inform others. The world cannot look away; you should not look away. Seek and share the truth, which gives authentic freedom and wisdom.

Support. There is a huge humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. People near the frontline often lack the basics—clean water, food, clothes, medicine. Heal the wounds. Help the victims of this senseless invasion. Donations can be sent to: https://ukrarcheparchy.us/donate.


February 3, 2022


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