Attention! Ministries, Groups & Organizations
Attention! Ministries, Groups & Organizations CDC and Diocesan guidelines state that all meetings in person in buildings must be attended by a paid staff member who monitors the meeting, takes thermal scans, has all attendees fill out surveys and disinfect all surfaces afterwards. Because of this requirement, the only meetings happening in person are those of ministries that are headed by staff i.e. RCIA, bell choir, parish council, youth group etc. It is my decision that with St Patrick’s over 53 ministries, organizations and groups, these guidelines would be too daunting for the church staff to handle on top of their regular duties as well as disinfecting the church after Masses on Sunday and weekdays.
As we are now in the season of fall with winter not too far behind, and if you have been meeting outside, you’ve probably noticed that it can get a bit dark and chilly out there! It may be time to rethink how your group meets and gathers together! As parish facilities will not be available to you due to the pandemic and the rules and guidelines that we are following, have you considered meeting in the comfort and safety of your homes? You know best how many folks can fit into your own personal spaces and you would have total control as to the arrangement of your set-ups. If that doesn’t meet your needs, remember there is the tried and tested ZOOM that always works in a pinch! Have a safe fall and if possible, think outside the box to help you get through these unprecedented times!