Announcement About 4:30 pm Mass Discontinuation

There were many factors that went into the decision to not continue the 4:30 p.m. Mass.  Fluctuating attendance, lack of volunteers, and clergy mental health were among them.   This decision was not made by me alone or lightly. It was prayed over and discussed with staff and clergy and pondered over for some time.

The mental health of priests is something we are dealing with across the diocese and is very important to the health of the parish.  With the 4:30 p.m. Mass there could be six to seven Masses a weekend at the parish to split up between two priests.  This is the first time in a long time at our parish that we only have two priests. In the past, there have been three to four priests serving our parish between the priests assigned to the parish and retired ones.  That is not the case anymore. This puts a heavy strain on the two priests who are here to handle all the Masses and ministries our church has to offer. 

What was not among the factors to discontinue the Mass was the future of Revival Music Ministry.  Their ministry will continue on at the parish.  They will be rotated into the music schedule of the existing Marsh Drive Masses. The particular Mass that they are at will be posted in the bulletin.  We will also have more regularly scheduled Praise, Worship and Adoration nights.   This rotation will start on September 21. 

I hope you can find another Mass to attend that helps you grow closer to Jesus. 

In Christ,

Father Don


Singer Band Concert