Parish News
Altar Flowers
Marsh Drive Church and Shrine Church Flower Availability
Parishioners are invited to offer flowers each week in prayerful remembrance of a deceased loved one, a special intention, or in honor of an anniversary, birthday or special event.
Altar flowers (2 main altar) $170, altar basket $75, and the statuary are $45. Saint Patrick purchases flowers, your name intention will be in weekly bulletin.
Please contact the Parish Office at 717-243-4411 x200 to reserve your intention today. Cash, checks, and credit cards ($2.50 card processing fee) are accepted.
Lent Penance Services
2024 Penance Services
Thursday, March 7 @ 7:00pm Our Lady of Good Counsel
Thursday, March 14 @ 7:00pm St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Wednesday, March 14 @ 7:00pm Our Lady of Lourdes
Sunday, March 17 @ 2:00pm St. Katherine Drexel
Thursday, March 21 @ 7:00pm St. Bernadette
Sunday, March 24 @ 7:00pm St. Theresa
Tuesday, March 26 @ 7:00pm Good Shepherd
Sunday, March 24 @ 2:00pm St. Joseph
40 Hours Eucharistic Devotions
Join us for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Evening Prayer and Reflection with Very Reverend Anthony Dill, Pastor of Holy Spirit in Palmyra, PA and Vice Chancellor, Canonical Consultant, Diocese of Harrisburg.
From Sunday night through Tuesday evening, we will celebrate our Annual 40 Hour Devotion. During this time, the Adoration Chapel will be closed, and adoration will take place in the Marsh Drive Church.
Evening Prayer and Reflection Sunday - Tuesday 7:00-8:00pm in the Marsh Drive Church.
There will be a light reception following Tuesday's final reflection in the Warrell Social Hall.
40 Hours Eucharistic Devotions
Join us for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Evening Prayer and Reflection with Very Reverend Anthony Dill, Pastor of Holy Spirit in Palmyra, PA and Vice Chancellor, Canonical Consultant, Diocese of Harrisburg.
From Sunday night through Tuesday evening, we will celebrate our Annual 40 Hour Devotion. During this time, the Adoration Chapel will be closed, and adoration will take place in the Marsh Drive Church.
Evening Prayer and Reflection Sunday - Tuesday 7:00-8:00pm in the Marsh Drive Church.
There will be a light reception following Tuesday's final reflection in the Warrell Social Hall.
Colection for local Veterans
Project Fresh Start for Vets!
The Saint Vincent de Paul Ministry, will be collecting hygiene products for our local Veterans, the weekend of February 10/11th. Look for our volunteers, outside the church doors, before all Masses. We are partnering with the Veteran Stability Organization, once again, to provide needed items, such as soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, feminine hygiene products, shaving cream, tissue packets, body lotion and deodorant. Every item counts in making a significant difference! Our goal is to not only provide individual hygiene kits but also to replenish the supplies at local veterans transitional homes. Full size and Travel size items are needed. Together, let's offer a "fresh start" to those who have bravely served our nation. Thanks for your support!
Happy 245th Anniversary
Saint Patrick Parish was founded on February 5, 1779 when Father Charles Sewell, S.J. a member of the Jesuit Missionaries of Sacred Heart Church, Conewago, Heidelberg Township in Adams County purchased land on Pomfret Street. This plot is now home to three structures: The Shrine Church, Saint Katherine Drexel Hall - Rectory, and the Parish Office Building that make up the Pomfret Street Complex. Mass was celebrated infrequently in the first log church built in 1784 for the few Catholics scattered throughout Cumberland Valley. Saint Patrick Church, Carlisle is the first church in America named in honor Ireland’s Patron Saint.
Colection for local Veterans
Project Fresh Start for Vets!
The Saint Vincent de Paul Ministry, will be collecting hygiene products for our local Veterans, the weekend of February 10/11th. Look for our volunteers, outside the church doors, before all Masses. We are partnering with the Veteran Stability Organization, once again, to provide needed items, such as soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, feminine hygiene products, shaving cream, tissue packets, body lotion and deodorant. Every item counts in making a significant difference! Our goal is to not only provide individual hygiene kits but also to replenish the supplies at local veterans transitional homes. Full size and Travel size items are needed. Together, let's offer a "fresh start" to those who have bravely served our nation. Thanks for your support!
KoC Pancake Breakfast
The Knights of Columbus invite you to their annual Pancake Breakfast for Life on Sunday, January 21st in the Warrell Social Hall from 8:00 to 11:00 AM. Cost is a free will donation. Proceeds go to defray the cost of the March For Life bus.
Location - Warrell Social Hall, 87 Marsh Drive
Date - January 21, 2024 (Sunday)
Time - 08:00-11:00 AM
Sponsor - Knights of Columbus Council 4057
Contact - Darren Buss,
Senior Life Committee Lunch and Learn
Saint Patrick Senior Life Committee welcomes all senior parishioners and friends to the inaugural LUNCH AND LEARN meeting on Thursday,
January 18 from 12 noon to 1:30 pm
Parish Activity Center, Rooms 220 & 222.
Father Don will be our featured speaker for this event and light refreshments will be served. We look forward to hosting you and hope that you will bring along your ideas for making future meetings educational and entertaining in an atmosphere that promotes social engagement and community awareness and care for maturing adults.