Parish News

HeatherAnn Howie HeatherAnn Howie

Pentecost Collection

The Pentecost Collection supports the formation costs for our Seminarians. The cost of one year of seminarian education exceeds $44,000. Because of your gifts, our Seminarians can completely focus on their formation in order to become the best priests possible for our Diocese. Gifts can be made during the collection the weekend of May 28 or by visiting

As we near Pentecost, Diocesan Seminarian Deacon Kevin Key has a special message for us.

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HeatherAnn Howie HeatherAnn Howie

MJM7 Concert

Join us after the 4:30 PM Mass on May 14th for a concert featuring MJM7. MJM7 is a Catholic family band comprised of Michael James Mette and his children: Charity (15), and Cecilia (14) and MJ (12). The Mette's gifts of music, joy, & family life offer the boldness and innocence of youth with the wisdom and depth of lived experiences. The events fall somewhere between a rock concert and a parish mission, with vibrant lights, powerful music, faith sharing, and an invitation to prayer. The music is uplifting without being preachy, creating an environment that is engaging without being confrontational. The concert empowers all ages to pray more fully and worship more freely. Bring a friend! You won’t want to miss this this unique event. The concert is free, donations are accepted.

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HeatherAnn Howie HeatherAnn Howie

MJM7 Concert

Join us after the 4:30 PM Mass on May 14th for a concert featuring MJM7. MJM7 is a Catholic family band comprised of Michael James Mette and his children: Charity (15), and Cecilia (14) and MJ (12). The Mette's gifts of music, joy, & family life offer the boldness and innocence of youth with the wisdom and depth of lived experiences. The events fall somewhere between a rock concert and a parish mission, with vibrant lights, powerful music, faith sharing, and an invitation to prayer. The music is uplifting without being preachy, creating an environment that is engaging without being confrontational. The concert empowers all ages to pray more fully and worship more freely. Bring a friend! You won’t want to miss this this unique event. The concert is free, donations are accepted.

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HeatherAnn Howie HeatherAnn Howie

Altar Server Training

There will be Altar Server Training with Deacon Billy on Tuesday May 16th from 6:00 – 7:00 PM. Altar Serving is a wonderful way for your child to gain a deeper    understanding of the Mass as well as deepen their  relationship with Christ through hands on participation. If your child has received First Eucharist, is in 4th grade or older, and is interested in becoming an Altar Server, contact the Parish Office or visit the register here


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HeatherAnn Howie HeatherAnn Howie

5th Sunday Rosary

Join us for our 5th Sunday Rosary Sunday, April 30th, at 2:00 pm, as our Knights of Columbus council leads us in the Joyful Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary for the intentions of Pope Francis and our parish community.

In the 3rd Joyful Mystery, the Nativity, all of Bethlehem was dark and quiet when the Savior entered the world, and his first home was in the protective circle of Mary’s arms. In this mystery, we can ask Mary for the grace to believe in the blessings promised in our lives, even if they seem slow in coming.

The most exquisite flowers sometimes take the longest to develop.

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HeatherAnn Howie HeatherAnn Howie

Hershey Park Tickets

If you ordered Hershey Park tickets... they have arrived! Please pick up your tickets at the parish office M-Th 9am - 4pm or Friday 9am - noon!

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