Parish News
Sizzlin Summer Sweeps
Saint Patrick’s SIZZLIN SUMMER SWEEPS tickets are available after the masses this weekend, at the parish office and online (click the donate button on the parish website - $1 processing fee added for online processing). This 30-day ticket starts Aug 21 and runs through September 19. Each day has a prize based on the evening 3 digit PA daily lottery, straight, no bonus. There are only 500 tickets and each ticket has 2 random numbers. Tickets are only $10! All profits will go to our scouting programs. Buy a ticket or two after Mass or online today! If you purchase online, we will mail you your ticket!
Ancient Order of Hibernians Special Rosary
Anniversary of “Our Lady of Knock” - Special Rosary - Marsh Drive Church
Sunday, August 21 - 1pm
On August 21, 1879, the largest apparition involving Our Blessed Mother occurred in a little town in Ireland called Knock. “Our Lady of Knock” appeared at a small country Church. The common people of the area saw this miraculous sight. The Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) will be present to discuss the apparition and display in the Narthex on the anniversary of this event following the Masses at Marsh Drive. A special rosary will be recited in her honor at 1:00 PM. POC: Tom Kane (717) 422-6662.
Saint Eleanor Regina Picnic
Sunday, September 4th following the 11:30 Mass.
Hot Dogs, Drinks, Plates, Utensils provided. Bring a dish to share and your chairs.
Sign up sheet on chapel door, or reply to, with name, # of people, and dish you are bringing.
Ushers Needed - All Mass Times - Men or Women can serve the parish by welcoming parishioners, helping them to their seats, guiding them to communion lines, collecting the offertory and assisting in any situations that might arise during mass. Call the Parish Office for more information.
Lectors Needed - All Mass Times - Are you looking to participate in the Mass more deeply, while also strengthening your understanding of The Word? The Lector Ministry is welcoming new members! Our humble ministry provides a unique opportunity to become involved in the parish, while also respecting your schedule while you juggle life's other responsibilities. You will be provided guidance on our parish's procedures, a lector workbook to aid in your understanding and delivery of the readings, as well as become part of a welcoming, positive ministry group who have continued to be supportive of each other! If this interests you, please reach out to Luke Seckar at (724)840-5008 or Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Altar Server Robe Cleaning
We are looking for a few willing volunteers to join in helping with the laundering of the Altar Server Robes. Our goal is to have a small group of individuals willing to sign up on a monthly rotating basis. The more helping hands we have, the more expansive the rotation can be! If this sounds like a way you would enjoy serving the Parish Family, please contact Elaine Seckar at the Parish Office.
Candid Catholic Convos Podcast featuring Father Don!
Check it out! Father Don is the guest speaker on this episode!
Special Supply Collection for Community Cares - Our Homeless Resource Center
Saint Vincent de Paul will be collecting underwear, socks and sports bras for the homeless, the weekend of July 23rd & 24th, before all Masses. New items, in all sizes, are needed for men, women and children.
Please place your purchased items in the labeled laundry baskets in the Narthexes, of all churches. You may also drop items off at the Parish Office, on July 26 & 27, from 8:00 am - 3:30. Financial donations can be made on the parish website under the Saint Vincent de Paul (Community CARES Collection) online giving option, write a check, payable to Saint Vincent de Paul or put cash in an envelope and drop it in the collection basket on the weekend. Please be sure to put SVdP on the envelope, as well as Community CARES Collection.
If you have any questions, please contact Carol Culbertson at .
Thank you for being the face of Christ to others. Your donation will create dignity, and promote good hygiene, for those in need in our community.
Special Supply Collection for Community Cares - Our Homeless Resource Center
Saint Vincent de Paul will be collecting underwear, socks and sports bras for the homeless, the weekend of July 23rd & 24th, before all Masses. New items, in all sizes, are needed for men, women and children.
Please place your purchased items in the labeled laundry baskets in the Narthexes, of all churches. You may also drop items off at the Parish Office, on July 26 & 27, from 8:00 am - 3:30. Financial donations can be made on the parish website under the Saint Vincent de Paul (Community CARES Collection) online giving option, write a check, payable to Saint Vincent de Paul or put cash in an envelope and drop it in the collection basket on the weekend. Please be sure to put SVdP on the envelope, as well as Community CARES Collection.
If you have any questions, please contact Carol Culbertson at or 717-448-1501.
Thank you for being the face of Christ to others. Your donation will create dignity, and promote good hygiene, for those in need in our community.